
Opis bloga, blog description:

Blog koji govori o paranormalnim pojavama! Komentari na temu UFO fenomena su naručito dobro došli! Neću tolerirati vulgarno ponašanje, psovke, međusobne uvrede, ad hominem napade, seksističke, šovinističke ispade i preuzimanje nadimaka! Ponašajmo se civilizirano i svijet će biti bolje mjesto za život!

Svi multimedijski materijali su uzeti sa javnih stranica!

All multimedia materials was taken from public displayed web sites!

10 September, 2009

Britanski NLO dokumenti

Dokumenti od Ministarstva obrane su objavljeni odavno.
Ljudi misle da je jedna od najvećih sila unutar NATO
pakta priznala postojanje NLO fenomena. Ja mislim da je
najsočnije ipak zadržala za sebe!

The third instalment of UFO files, transferred by the the Ministry of Defence, covers the period from 1987 to 1993. One of the more unusual cases recounts the experience of an unidentified female who phoned RAF Wattisham in Norfolk in November 1989:
'She reported she was approached by a man who claimed to come from another planet, similar to earth. During the ten minute conversation, the man claimed his race was responsible for creating crop circles. What's more, he felt it was important for contact between the two peoples to occur. As she ran home, the woman heard a loud buzzing noise behind her, and turned to see a large, glowing spherical object rise steadily until out of sight'.

Watch the videocast and let UFO expert Dr David Clarke take you through highlights of the latest release.

The files are available to download at


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